Last week, Scott + Reid held a ‘demo day” at Preston Hollow Presbyterian School (PHPS) for their new ...
Read MoreCoronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Recommendations and Procedures
Updated March 17, 2020: Please note this is a rapidly evolving situation. This document has been updated from the original issue to address office and jobsite safety.
We will continue to update as further details and guidelines are provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other federal, state, and/or city mandates are issued.
In line with the heightening situation with COVID-19, Scott + Reid has made the following recommendations to ensure the safety of our staff, clients and subcontractors:
• Promote frequent and thorough hand washing; provide workers and worksite visitors with a place to wash their hands. If soap and running water are not immediately available, provide alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol.
• Conduct all meetings via video/conference calls when possible. If physical meetings must take place, increase the physical distance among employees and between others.
• Avoid handshaking and other physical contact.
• Postpone all unnecessary travel, business or personal. All unnecessary company travel has been postponed until further notice. All events and training are postponed until further notice.
• Limit exposure to the public on projects in occupied buildings. This may be through working night shifts when possible, staggering work shifts, downsizing operations, or using separate entrances and restrooms.
• When possible, work remotely to help avoid the spread of COVID-19.
• Utilize respiratory etiquette, including covering coughs and sneezes and wash hands following coughs/sneezes. • Avoid using other workers’ phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and equipment, when possible.
• Maintain regular housekeeping practices, including routine cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces, equipment, and other elements of the work environment with EPA-approved products for emerging viral pathogens. Alert management immediately if you are feeling sick or come in contact with someone who has been feeling sick. If you are symptomatic, please use your PTO time and avoid contact with other people.
Please note that office and project jobsite access will not be allowed for anyone who:
• Has traveled to or passed through an active Coronavirus region in the last 14 days;
• Has been in contact with another person that has been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19;
• Exhibits any symptoms of COVID-19. Adjusted jobsite protocol for COVID-19 considerations:
• Scott + Reid will maintain a daily sign-in sheet for all visitors to the site.
• All subcontractors and visitors must review Scott + Reid’s COVID-19 Recommendations and Procedures and implement these procedures into the Site Orientation
• Anyone that does not present healthy or shows symptoms of illness will be escorted off the jobsite with the following protocol:
o Documentation of the individual’s name and company
o Documentation of physical conditions/symptoms
o Escort from the building through the service elevator while a safe distance is maintained
o Notify their employer of their conditions
If you have further questions regarding the protection of yourself or others as it relates to the spread of COVID19, please contact Colin Harmon, Safety Director at (972) 415-7677.